about us

Newcastle University
brain feed began as a research project at Newcastle University in 2015 with the aim of identifying isolated nutrients that could freely cross the blood-brain-barrier and support brain health and brain performance. brain feed ltd was financially supported by the Newcastle University Foundership programme and they remain a vested stakeholder in the business.
Salford University
Working with Salford University Biosciences department on a range of research into novel nutrients for neuroplasticity, vasodilation and eye health.

Neuro Nutritionist
Needa Qureshi - AfN Nutritionist, Clinical Dietitian, MSc Nutrition & behaviour

Eva Pauline - MSc Biopsychology, MSc Psychology.

Project Management
Research Project Manager - 2015 Newcastle University Grant Award

Clinical Neurophysiology
Chloe Gabriele - Clinical Neurophysiologist at Manchester Central Hospital

Managing Director
James Lister - Managing Director - BA Business Management

Commercial & Accounts
Raymond Suen - Chartered Accountant - Xero Certified - BA Business Administration in Accountancy

Digital Marketing Manager
Sasa Kovacs - BA Marketing Management
As a research-led organisation our teams can only thrive in an environment of open communication, the cross-pollination of ideas, a culture of innovation and a growth mindset. Appraisals are quarterly, mentorship is mandatory and Continual Personal Development is encouraged.
Harti ❤️:
o Honesty
o Accountability – ownership of critical projects
o Respect – for suppliers, partners, customers & wider stakeholders
o Transparency
o Integrity – applying our shared moral & ethical values
years continuous R&D
million supplements sold
sold in countries
UK Manufactured in FDA approved & pharmaceutical grade facilities

Manufactured in an FDA registered facility.

Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) is the standard that a medicines manufacturer must meet in their production processes. Products must be of consistent high quality, be appropriate to their intended use and meet the requirements of the marketing authorisation (MA) or product specification.

Independently assesses and validates food supplement packaging compliance as well as GMP manufacturing compliance.