R&D Pipeline
Our commitment to evidence-based nutraceutical solutions to brain health and brain performance is sacrosanct. It is our guiding principle, our leading light. It’s what motivates us, drives us and defines us.

- Mood - 1in5 Amercians suffer from a mental health condition1 & 74% of UK adults suffered from stress2 in the last year.
- Cognition - targeting both enhancement & mitigating decline. 60% of US adults not taking cognitive supplements expressed a strong desire to try them3
- Alertness 2.0 - energy and stimulation evolved.
- Sleep - Natural and novel therapeutics to help the 10% of European citizens that suffer from sleep disorders and insomnia4


Our minimum threshold for inclusion of evidence is placebo controlled human studies and peer-reviewed systematic and meta-data analysis. We will review animal imaging studies as part of early-stage mechanistic proof of concept.
**Nutraceutical science is constantly evolving, and we will, on occasion disseminate the latest peer-reviewed animal studies for the purposes of helping customers understand potential benefits. This is not a leap of faith assumption.**

Our own clinical research projects focus on valid test methodologies for early stage E&M including neuroimaging coupled with clinically validated patient self-assessment methods and on-going monitoring.

Efficacy is dose dependant. Safety is based on EFSA safe upper limits and peer-reviewed toxicity reports and GRAS status.
- https://mhanational.org/issues/2023/mental-health-america-adult-data#two
- https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/about-us/news/survey-stressed-nation-UK-overwhelmed-unable-to-cope
- https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/cognitive-health-supplement-market
- https://esrs.eu/research-networks/european-insomnia-network/