research-led nutraceuticals for brain health in healthy adults and, patient cohorts.
feel great & enhance brain performance naturally.
research-led nutraceuticals for brain health in healthy adults and, patient cohorts.
feel great & enhance brain performance naturally.
research-led nutraceuticals for brain health in healthy adults and, patient cohorts.
feel great & enhance brain performance naturally.

- Mood - 1in5 Amercians suffer from a mental health condition1 & 74% of UK adults suffered from stress2 in the last year.
- Cognition - targeting both enhancement & mitigating decline. 60% of US adults not taking cognitive supplements expressed a strong desire to try them3
- Alertness 2.0 - energy and stimulation evolved.
- Sleep - Natural and novel therapeutics to help the 10% of European citizens that suffer from sleep disorders and insomnia4
Our Vision

- We reject animal testing methodolgies in our own research.
- We are commited to Non-GMO in our Active Nutraceutical Ingredients (ANI's) and excipients.
- Is there more work to be done?
Yes. Sourcing raw ingredients from around the world means our supply chain impacts the lives that many corporates forget to measure. The Griffonia seeds used in 5-htp production are sourced from Ghana. The distribution is based on a centralised collection centre model but in truth we don’t yet understand the impact of this high value crop on farmers, living standards or the land. The green tea used for l-theanine production is grown in the mountainous region of Hunan province but what are conditions really like for tea pickers? Nobody is asking these questions. They need answering. Work is on-going to dive deeper and increase transparency.

Achieving a truly environmentally friendly company with a global footprint is a massive challenge. Our journey began by measuring our baseline carbon footprint and implementing changes across all aspects of our operations. Our 1st carbon neutral month was July 2024 and you can read more about our journey, the initiatives we support here as well as onward journey to carbon-negative here.
To read about our innovations in recyclable packaging click here.

We support and amplify initiatives with a focus on nutrition for brain health and mental health awareness.
Hey DAL! campaign
Fed 4,000 individuals across Manchester’s lower income communities. We provided the nutritional insight vital in the development of the brain and budget friendly meal packs. The team also volunteered to help make and pack the kits before distribution to the local community.
Mental Health Awareness
Supporting World Mental Health Day. Every year we donate to and raise awareness of mental health themes - Equal Access, Mental Health Priorities and 2024's theme Mental Health in the Workplace.
Mental Health Foundation - Green Ribbon Campaign
Green Ribbon Giveaway linked to World Mental Health Day to awareness of the Foundation. Registered Charity No. 801130