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healthy ageing

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Feb 26, 2025

5 ways to support your brain as you age - Make DHA part of your routine

Discover 5 ways to keep your brain healthy as you age including the roles of diet and exercise. 
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Sep 20, 2024

How to slow ageing? New study recommends adding omega 3 to your diet

Is slower ageing possible? A new study says yes, with enough omega 3. Here’s a breakdown of factors affecting biological age and omega 3 benefits for a younger you.
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Jan 25, 2024

Diet and dementia: NEW study reveals omega 3’s promising role

A new study conducted on 267312 participants from the UK Biobank has been published. Here’s what they found. 
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Oct 6, 2023

EPA vs DHA – Which Omega 3 is the key to maximise brain power?

Which omega is best for brain health? EPA or DHA? Read to find the effects of DHA on brain function & why its the better brain fat
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Aug 14, 2023

Unleashing the power of your brain: brain benefits of DHA

Get familiar with an omega 3 compound called DHA while discovering all the beneficial effects it has on your brain functions and how it contributes to your day-to-day life. 
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Jul 21, 2023

Lifestyle interventions for dementia: Ways to boost cognition by 25%

A study finds lifestyle interventions for dementia to prevent cognitive decline. Read more about them & ways to adopt them
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May 31, 2023

Brain healthy diets: What are the best foods for brain health?

Brain health nutrition lists the bests brain diets. More on foods that are good for your brain & where to find them
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Apr 26, 2023

How to improve cognitive function by building muscle

Building muscle through exercise can boost cognition in old age. Bigger muscles give rise to stronger brain. Find how.
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Apr 6, 2023

How to keep your brain healthy as you age? Cognitive super agers hold answers 

Cognitive super agers know how to keep your brain healthy as you age. Find their secrets on preserving brain health
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Apr 5, 2023

The longevity diet: Here’s what to eat to live longer and keep your brain sharper.

The longevity diet unravels what to eat to live longer. Find the best foods for longevity & optimizing brain health
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Mar 7, 2023

How to keep your brain healthy in old age? 6 ways to protect the female brain

Age related brain changes in women's brains raise their dementia risk. Find how to keep your brain healthy & lower risk
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Nov 14, 2022

The Nordic diet for better brain health

Read about brain boosters in Nordic diet to supercharge your brain. More on how it differs from the Mediterranean diet.


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