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how to reset your body clock an you become a morning person what time of day is your brain sharpest morning brain fog when does the brain work best

How to reset your body clock and keep your brain sharp?

Published Mar 27, 2023 | Updated Dec 1, 2024

As the clocks go backwards, and the days get shorter, a lot of people want to seize as much daylight as they can. Most people think that energy and cognition peak in the morning, as our brains are supposed to be the sharpest right after a refreshing night’s sleep and nutritious breakfast. However, gender, age, nutrition, sleep and brain activity impact our ability to effectively do the daily tasks we want. The article will help you better understand your body clock and adapt healthy practices that help you achieve a lifestyle that goes hand in hand with your body’s needs.


The study of biological rhythms can help us plan our day more efficiently

Chronobiology is the study of biological rhythms which helps us with several different body functions such as body temperature, sleeping, and working memory[1 Trusted Source Chronobiology 3rd-party source History of Chronobiology . It examines the effects of time on biological events and internal biological clocks. Have you ever had jet lag after travelling to a country with a different time zone? That’s one of the phenomena chronobiology is examining. 

When does the brain work best? Individuals’ natural tendency to prefer morning or evening activities is associated with circadian rhythms that serve as batteries for our body clocks [2 Trusted Source 2022 - Umeå University Systematic and meta-analysis Individual differences in Chronotype in relation to Cognitive Abilities and Academic Achievement: A systematic literature review of studies conducted in 2022 , [3 Trusted Source 2021 - Biomolecules Research evaluation Biological Rhythm and Chronotype: New Perspectives in Health . A circadian rhythm is a cycle of changes in mental, physical, and behavioural characteristics that generally occurs every 24 hours. They impact our body temperature, working memory, task switching, and the sleep-wake cycle[4 Trusted Source 2021 - Frontiers of Optoelectronics Research evaluation Relationship between circadian rhythm and brain cognitive functions . These natural processes respond primarily to light and dark but other nutritional and behavioural factors can impact them, e.g. diet, exercise, and exposure to blue light. 

Have you ever wondered whether you are an early bird or a night owl? If you have, you were trying to find out your chronotype, which is based on your natural sleeping and waking habits[3 Trusted Source 2021 - Biomolecules Research evaluation Biological Rhythm and Chronotype: New Perspectives in Health . In addition to regulating sleep and wake times, chronotype influences appetite, exercise, and body temperature. It is responsible for the fact that you feel more alert at certain periods of the day and sleepier at others[3 Trusted Source 2021 - Biomolecules Research evaluation Biological Rhythm and Chronotype: New Perspectives in Health . There are three different chronotypes distinguished: Morning, Evening, and Neither type. The Morning type is generally more conscientious and achievement-oriented than other types and achieves peak activation in the first part of the day whereas the Evening type, which reaches its best during the second half of the day, expresses a higher level of intelligence[5 Trusted Source 2019 - Chronobiology International Human study Effect of chronotype on academic achievement in a sample of Italian University students . The Neither type are most alert during the middle of the day. Chronotype is an individual difference trait that is closely linked to biological variables, such as gender. Usually, men and women differ with men being more evening oriented than women[6 Trusted Source 2019 - Chronobiology International Systematic and meta-analysis Gender differences in chronotype diminish with age: a meta-analysis based on morningness/chronotype questionnaires , [7 Trusted Source 2011 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Human study Sex difference in the near-24-hour intrinsic period of the human circadian timing system . Studies also found that the differences between men and women diminish with time[6 Trusted Source 2019 - Chronobiology International Systematic and meta-analysis Gender differences in chronotype diminish with age: a meta-analysis based on morningness/chronotype questionnaires , [1 Trusted Source Chronobiology 3rd-party source History of Chronobiology

Plan your day to optimise your brain

Want to know what time of day is your brain sharpest? Fill out an online self-assessment tool Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire[9 Trusted Source 2021 - Calculate 3rd-party source Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire (MEQ) . Figuring out your chronotype can help you plan more physically or cognitively demanding tasks for the part of the day when you feel most alert and active. An Evening type could plan his meetings for the last few hours at work instead of scheduling them in the morning. Here’s a breakdown of the most active phases for the main three chronotypes:

Morning type Neither type  Evening type
8.00-12.00: Focus on deep work 10.00-14.00: Focus on deep work 10.00-12.00: Focus on lighter tasks
12.00-16.00: Focus on lighter tasks 14.00 - 16.00: Work on lighter tasks 12.00-14.00: Complete deep or creative work
14.00-17.00: Focus on lighter, less intense tasks
17.00-21.00: Engage in creative tasks

    Are you a night owl wondering how can you become a morning person? We’ve got good news. One interesting study found that conscientiousness and attitude toward school positively predicted change in morningness with Evening type students[8 Trusted Source 2021 - Chronobiology International Systematic and meta-analysis Circadian preference and academic achievement in school-aged students: a systematic review and a longitudinal investigation of reciprocal relations , meaning a  positive attitude towards your morning tasks and the desire to do the task well and thoroughly can help you stay focused in the early hours.

    Boost your sleep-wake cycle with exercise and nutrition

    While there are loads of molecules produced during circadian rhythms we’re only going to focus on three more - the holy trinity of the sleep-wake cycle, which prepares our bodies to sleep, eat, and stay awake[10 Trusted Source 2006 - Journal of Circadian Rhythms Research evaluation Neurotransmitters of the suprachiasmatic nuclei .   

    Higher levels of serotonin, melatonin, and vasopressin are associated with a better sleep-wake cycle[10 Trusted Source 2006 - Journal of Circadian Rhythms Research evaluation Neurotransmitters of the suprachiasmatic nuclei . Your feel-good chemical, serotonin is at its highest during the day to regulate your mood while the body converts it into the sleep hormone, called melatonin, at night[10 Trusted Source 2006 - Journal of Circadian Rhythms Research evaluation Neurotransmitters of the suprachiasmatic nuclei . As melatonin levels rise in the evening it puts you into a state of quiet wakefulness that helps promote sleep[10 Trusted Source 2006 - Journal of Circadian Rhythms Research evaluation Neurotransmitters of the suprachiasmatic nuclei . The third molecule which stabilises the periods of sleepiness and wakefulness, called vasopressin, works its magic during the full 24-hour circadian rhythm cycle[10 Trusted Source 2006 - Journal of Circadian Rhythms Research evaluation Neurotransmitters of the suprachiasmatic nuclei .

    We can boost the levels of body clock stabiliser by standing for at least 6 hours per day and exercising for at least 30 minutes per day[11 Trusted Source 1998 - Journal of Applied Physiology Human study Effect of standing on neurohumoral responses and plasma volume in healthy subjects , [12 Trusted Source 1984 - Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 3rd-party source Response, regulation, and actions of vasopressin during exercise: a review . You can use an Apple Watch to help track your standing period and exercise time during the day. Physical activity and, in particular, an adequate amount of moderate- to high-intensity exercise, preferably not performed in the late evening, emerges as an important player in optimizing sleep quality and preventing insomnia[13 Trusted Source 2022 - Nutrients Research evaluation Nutrition, Sleep, Circadian Rhythms, and Health Implications: “Come Together” . Studies show that serotonin also boosts the levels of vasopressin[14 Trusted Source 2009 - Epilepsy & Behavior Animal study Upregulation of 5-HT2C receptors in hippocampus of pilocarpine-induced epileptic rats: antagonism by Bacopa monnieri , [15 Trusted Source 1989 - Experimental Brain Research Animal study Role of brain acetylcholine in vasopressin release during osmotic stimulation and hemorrhage . We can boost the levels of serotonin, and consequently melatonin and vasopressin by eating protein-rich foods and exercising. You can try building your diet on cheese or tofu, meat, fish and chia seeds which are full of serotonin’s building block, called tryptophan, that is converted into 5-htp which is then turned into serotonin. You can also ensure the right tryptophan amount intake by using high-quality food supplementation. brain feed has created the smallest, nutrient-dense serotonin enhancement tablet. Serotonin plays a vital role in regulating your mood and the sleep-wake cycle. Make sure to use the code 'NEW15' at check out for 15% off for new customers. 

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    The Mediterranean diet can help you stay in sync with your body

    Food or nutrition can be a synchronizer for the circadian rhythm cycle, as potent as the external light-dark signal can be[8 Trusted Source 2021 - Chronobiology International Systematic and meta-analysis Circadian preference and academic achievement in school-aged students: a systematic review and a longitudinal investigation of reciprocal relations , [16 Trusted Source 2013 - Neuroscience 3rd-party source Chronobiology and nutrition . The timing of food intake is highlighted as a powerful environmental cue with the potential to restore the synchrony of circadian rhythms in metabolism[16,17]. Dietary intake and timing have a significant impact on sleep quality and duration. They can therefore help you sleep better while being more alert during the day which gives you the energy to take on your tasks[13 Trusted Source 2022 - Nutrients Research evaluation Nutrition, Sleep, Circadian Rhythms, and Health Implications: “Come Together” , [17 Trusted Source 2020 - Frontiers in Nutrition Research evaluation Feeding Rhythms and the Circadian Regulation of Metabolism . Nutrition helps regulate the phase of hormonal rhythms in the brain region where circadian rhythms are generated, which can cause a phase shift in your chronotype. That means your bedtime and wake-up time will move earlier in the day or later in the day, depending on if you eat your meals earlier or later in the day[18 Trusted Source 2007 - Frontiers in neuroendocrinology Research evaluation The relationship between nutrition and circadian rhythms in mammals , [19 Trusted Source 2017 - Current Biology Human study Meal Timing Regulates the Human Circadian System

    An interesting study shows that good adherence to a Mediterranean diet is associated with improved overall sleep quality promoting adequate sleep duration and quality and preventing sleep disturbances[20 Trusted Source 2022 - Frontiers in Nutrition Human study Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Its Association With Sleep Quality and Chronotype Among Youth: A Cross-Sectional Study . The study confirms that the diet modulates the gut's healthy bacteria and improves sleep quality.

    The Mediterranean diet is based on the traditional foods that people eat in countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea, including France, Spain, Greece, and Italy. You can follow it by eating whole grains, beans and legumes, fruits and vegetables, fish and olive oil while limiting your intake of red meat, sweets, and processed foods. Read more about the amazing benefits of the Mediterranean diet.


    Make sure the changing of the clock positively impacts your body clock

    The body clock is our internal time as defined by our circadian rhythms[21 Trusted Source 2019 - Frontiers in Physiology Research evaluation Daylight Saving Time and Artificial Time Zones – A Battle Between Biological and Social Times . On the other hand, the social clock shows the local time determined by the country’s policy in form of devices on walls, on wrists or phones; it is a social construct referring to the time that was selected for a certain time zone[21 Trusted Source 2019 - Frontiers in Physiology Research evaluation Daylight Saving Time and Artificial Time Zones – A Battle Between Biological and Social Times .

    When it comes to the concept of “daylight saving” and the changing of the clocks, modern people simply accept the twice-annual change in time as a fact of life. When the body and social clocks are in sync we can enjoy a so-called circadian alignment where despite the changing of the clocks, our sleep-wake cycle, body temperature, and cognition function properly[21 Trusted Source 2019 - Frontiers in Physiology Research evaluation Daylight Saving Time and Artificial Time Zones – A Battle Between Biological and Social Times , [22 Trusted Source 2020 - Current Biology Research evaluation A Chronobiological Evaluation of the Acute Effects of Daylight Saving Time on Traffic Accident Risk

    To make sure you keep your body clock in sync with the social clock, stop using electronic devices at least one hour before going to bed as the blue light that shines from the screens causes morning brain fog, eat a healthy diet and don’t eat for at least two hours before going to bed[23 Trusted Source Chronobiology 3rd-party source Daylight Saving Time Ends Sunday: Here’s How to Adjust . Always prioritize daylight exposure and take a nap if you’re dealing with daytime sleepiness. 

    Listening to our bodies is an effective prevention method so remember to tune in!



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