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How to keep your brain healthy: Understanding neuroplasticity

Published Oct 6, 2023 | Updated Jan 27, 2025

Wondering how to keep your brain sharp? If you're looking for answers on how to keep your brain healthy as you age, you may want to pay attention to an important part of the brain known as connective tissue. The human brain is a complex organ that requires a constant supply of nutrients to function optimally. One of the5 most important components of the brain is its connectivity system which allows communication to run smoothly while also supporting the development and growth of brain cells. Let’s explore the benefits of having more connective tissue and why it’s important for overall brain health.

Taking care of your health with connectivity

Imagine your body as a computer. To operate properly it needs a computer system, found in the brain, which fires up information, and sends signals across to different parts, so your brain and body can function properly. In the same way, the brain connective tissue system is responsible for coordinating brain function and getting that communication between the brain and body going, all while monitoring and modifying the information we get and give[1 Trusted Source 2015 - Neuroplastix: Change the Brain; Relieve the Pain; Transform the Person 3rd-party source The Brain’s Connective Tissue System ,[2 Trusted Source 2023 - StatPearls 3rd-party source Anatomy, Connective Tissue . It can also help the brain grow and develop[3 Trusted Source National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke CLASSIFICATION_TYPE Brain Basics: Genes At Work In The Brain ] .

How can I make my brain super sharp?

Connective tissue is essential for supporting brain function. It provides a framework for the brain cells to communicate with each other and helps regulate the flow of nutrients in and out of the brain cells[1 Trusted Source 2015 - Neuroplastix: Change the Brain; Relieve the Pain; Transform the Person 3rd-party source The Brain’s Connective Tissue System . A review that comprised studies published from 1980 to 2021 has shown that disturbances in the connective tissue system can also add to symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease[4 Trusted Source 2021 - World Journal of Psychiatry Systematic and meta-analysis Connecting brain and body: Transdiagnostic relevance of connective tissue variants to neuropsychiatric symptom expression . Luckily, there’s a special regenerative process that takes place in your brain, called neuroplasticity. Let’s take a look at how it works. 

How can neuroplasticity rewire your brain?

By adapting to changes in the brain, neuroplasticity can boost your brain health. It occurs in the brain during normal development in childhood and adulthood to compensate for the loss of function upon injury or damage to preserve function[5 Trusted Source 2014 - Periodicum biologorum Research evaluation Neuroplasticity . What is neuroplasticity and how does it work? During neuroplasticity, the brain adapts by growing and developing new neurons and connections between them. The connective tissue in the brain plays a critical role in the formation of communication networks between brain cells, which are essential for learning and memory[3 Trusted Source National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke CLASSIFICATION_TYPE Brain Basics: Genes At Work In The Brain ,[6 Trusted Source 2020 - Cerebral Cortex Animal study Synaptic Connectivity and Cortical Maturation Are Promoted by the ω-3 Fatty Acid Docosahexaenoic Acid ,[7 Trusted Source 2021 - Neural Regeneration Research Research evaluation Mechanisms of neuroplasticity and brain degeneration strategies for protection during the aging process . For example, when London taxi drivers successfully learn a mental map of London's streets, structural changes happen in the brain affecting memory and creating a greater volume of nerve cells in the middle deep part of the brain. What increases neuroplasticity the most? You can increase neuroplasticity by maintaining brain connective tissue. Furthermore, neuroplasticity is believed to be a promising therapeutic approach to improve symptoms in Alzheimer's Disease, therefore, maintaining neuroplasticity and the brain connective tissue can help support optimal brain development throughout the ages[8 Trusted Source 2022 - Elsevier eBooks Research evaluation Alzheimer disease and neuroplasticity . Let’s take a look at how your mood gets affected by it. 

Connectivity and your mental health

The connective tissue system can also affect mental health. Multiple studies and literature reviews imply that mental health conditions arise from miscoordinated interactions between nervous systems in the brain rather than a particular flawed brain region[9 Trusted Source 2009 - Schizophrenia Research Research evaluation Mapping grey matter reductions in schizophrenia: An anatomical likelihood estimation analysis of voxel-based morphometry studies ,[10 Trusted Source 2012 - NeuroImage Systematic and meta-analysis Schizophrenia, neuroimaging and connectomics ,[11 Trusted Source 2012 - Journal of Affective Disorders Systematic and meta-analysis Gray matter abnormalities in Major Depressive Disorder: A meta-analysis of voxel based morphometry studies ,[12 Trusted Source 2010 - Biological Psychiatry Systematic and meta-analysis Voxelwise Meta-Analysis of Gray Matter Abnormalities in Bipolar Disorder ,[13 Trusted Source 2012 - Frontiers in Psychiatry Research evaluation Brain Connectivity and Mental Illness . Imagine a factory that makes shoes. If different departments miss out on the chance to connect and communicate with each other, you could be going around with a nice pair of white sneakers, struggling to walk because the shoe soles are two sizes smaller than the actual shoe outline. Just like communication between the shoe factory departments helps keep our feet comfortable, maintaining brain connective tissue helps to promote mental health.

How does omega-3 help your brain?

Wondering how you can obtain more connective tissue? Say hello to DHA. One of the most important nutrients for brain health is DHA, an essential part of omega 3 fats that is found in high concentrations in the brain[14 Trusted Source 2022 - Frontiers in Neurology Human study Effects of docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaoic acid supplementation on white matter integrity after repetitive sub-concussive head impacts during American football: Exploratory neuroimaging findings from a pilot RCT . What exactly happens when you take DHA? Brain function optimizes and boosts the growth and development of new brain cells. According to the European Food Safety Authority's recognition of DHA's cognitive advantages, DHA is essential for the brain[15 Trusted Source 2012 - EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA) Research evaluation Scientific Opinion on the Tolerable Upper Intake Level of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and docosapentaenoic acid (DPA) . They state that “DHA contributes to the maintenance of normal brain function”[16 Trusted Source 2013 - The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Human study DHA supplementation improved both memory and reaction time in healthy young adults: a randomized controlled trial . Results from a 2020 animal study also showed that DHA promotes better brain communication by building better brain communication networks[10 Trusted Source 2012 - NeuroImage Systematic and meta-analysis Schizophrenia, neuroimaging and connectomics . In another study on healthy young adults whose diets were low in DHA, supplementation with omega 3 also improved their memory[14 Trusted Source 2022 - Frontiers in Neurology Human study Effects of docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaoic acid supplementation on white matter integrity after repetitive sub-concussive head impacts during American football: Exploratory neuroimaging findings from a pilot RCT . How much DHA per day for brain health? To get the omega 3 brain benefits that boost your brain connective tissue it's essential to take 550mg of DHA daily[17 Trusted Source 2020 - University of Salford Research evaluation Review: The effect of DHA supplementation on the human health . brain feed developed a plant-based omega 3 supplement that is double concentrated. It contains 550 mg of DHA per capsule. Maintain your optimal brain health and save 15% off your 1st order with code ‘NEW15’. 

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4 exercises to boost your brain’s plasticity

While diet helps you get the building blocks you need for your brain, exercise helps you activate them additionally. To keep your brain younger for longer, here are some neuroplasticity exercises you can implement to help keep your brain healthier for a longer time. 

The power of language

Try to learn one new word every day. According to experts, this simple act will spark a multitude of new neural pathways, both visual and auditory[18 Trusted Source 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience Research evaluation Neuroplasticity and Functional Recovery after Intensive Language Therapy in Chronic Post Stroke Aphasia: Which Factors Are Relevant? . Give it a few months and it’ll make you unstoppable at Scrabble too.

 A "handy" tip 

Exercises you do with your non-dominant hand are excellent for forming new neural pathways and strengthening the connectivity between existing neurons[19 Trusted Source 2022 - Brain Structure and Function Research evaluation Imaging functional neuroplasticity in human white matter tracts . For instance, try brushing your teeth with your left hand if you're right-handed.

Train your brain

Mnemonics are strategies used to improve memory. They are often taught in school to help students learn and recall information. Using strategies that aid information recall to teach yourself formulas or rhymes, can enhance connectivity in your prefrontal parietal network, paving the way to new, positive pathways in your brain[20 Trusted Source 2018 - Boston College Research evaluation Method of Loci and the Aging Mind: How a Visuospatial Mnemonic Device May Help Prevent Sub-Clinical, Age-Related Memory Decline . Let’s say you’re trying to expand your vocabulary by learning a new word in a new language[21 Trusted Source 2014 - Cortex Research evaluation Neuroplasticity as a function of second language learning: Anatomical changes in the human brain . You're trying to learn the Italian word for a male cat which is gatto. First, think of a gate and then imagine the cat sitting on top of the gate. Even though the "a" sound in gatto is short and the "a" sound in the word gate is long, the beginnings are similar enough to help you remember the association between gate and cat and to recall the meaning of gatto.

Sweat your way to a healthier brain

Evidence has suggested that aerobic and resistance training contributes to exercise-induced neuroplasticity[22 Trusted Source 2020 - Brain Sciences Research evaluation Does Aerobic and Resistance Exercise Influence Episodic Memory through Unique Mechanisms? . Studies have found that improvements in cognitive domains including attention, processing speed and working memory are more remarkable following a combination of aerobic and resistance training than either form of training alone[23 Trusted Source 2003 - Psychological Science Systematic and meta-analysis Fitness Effects on the Cognitive Function of Older Adults: A Meta-Analytic Study ,[24 Trusted Source 2010 - Psychosomatic Medicine Systematic and meta-analysis Aerobic Exercise and Neurocognitive Performance: A Meta-Analytic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials . So, how to increase neuroplasticity? A study from Korea showed that 6 months of performing combined aerobic and resistance exercise training increased the levels of a special brain factor responsible for neuroplasticity in healthy middle-aged women[25 Trusted Source 2014 - Journal of Exercise Nutrition and Biochemistry Human study Effects of combined exercise on cardiovascular risk factors and serum BDNF level in mid-aged women . NHS recommends that you do strengthening activities that work on all the major muscle groups at least 2 days a week and do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity per week[26 Trusted Source 2021 - NHS 3rd-party source/span> Physical activity guidelines for adults aged 19 to 64 . Examples of moderate-intensity activity include brisk walking, riding a bike and dancing while vigorous activities are swimming, aerobics and walking up the stairs. Muscle-strengthening activities include carrying heavy shopping bags, weight-lifting and yoga.

By ensuring you get enough nutrients that boost the production of connective tissue, you can improve cognitive function, reduce the risk of cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases, and promote your mental health. You can improve your overall quality of life by taking care of your brain and supporting its connective tissue system.



[1] Moskowitz, M., & Golden, M. (2015). The Brain’s Connective Tissue System. Neuroplastix: Change the Brain; Relieve the Pain; Transform the Person.

[2] Kamrani, P., Marston, G., Arbor, T.C., & Arif, J.(2023). Anatomy, Connective Tissue. In: StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing.

[3] Brain Basics: Genes At Work In The Brain (n.d.). National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.

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[8] Koch, G., & Spampinato, D. (2022). Alzheimer disease and neuroplasticity. In A. Quartarone, M. F. Ghilardi, & F. Boller (Eds.), Neuroplasticity: From Bench to Bedside (pp. 473–479). Elsevier eBooks.

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[11] Bora, E., Fornito, A., Pantelis, C., & Yücel, M. (2012). Gray matter abnormalities in Major Depressive Disorder: A meta-analysis of voxel based morphometry studies. Journal of Affective Disorders, 138(1–2), 9–18.

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[14] Raikes, A. C., Hernandez, G. D., Mullins, V. A., Wang, Y., Lopez, C., Killgore, W. D. S., Chilton, F. H., & Brinton, R. D. (2022). Effects of docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaoic acid supplementation on white matter integrity after repetitive sub-concussive head impacts during American football: Exploratory neuroimaging findings from a pilot RCT. Frontiers in Neurology, 13, 891531.

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[16] Stonehouse, W., Conlon, C. A., Podd, J., Hill, S. R., Minihane, A. M., Haskell, C., & Kennedy, D. (2013). DHA supplementation improved both memory and reaction time in healthy young adults: a randomized controlled trial. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 97(5), 1134–1143.

[17] Rafati, P., Hameed, M., Huang, X., & Isyaku, K. L. (2020). Review: The effect of DHA supplementation on the human health [Final Report]. University of Salford Manchester.

[18] Mohr, B. (2017). Neuroplasticity and Functional Recovery after Intensive Language Therapy in Chronic Post Stroke Aphasia: Which Factors Are Relevant? Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11, Article 332.

[19] Frizzell, T. O., Phull, E., Khan, M., Song, X., Grajauskas, L. A., Gawryluk, J., & D’Arcy, R. C. N. (2022). Imaging functional neuroplasticity in human white matter tracts. Brain Structure and Function, 227(1), 381–392.

[20] Conde, S. (2018). Method of Loci and the Aging Mind: How a Visuospatial Mnemonic Device May Help Prevent Sub-Clinical, Age-Related Memory Decline [Term paper]. Boston College.

[21] Li, P., Legault, J., & Litcofsky, K. A. (2014). Neuroplasticity as a function of second language learning: Anatomical changes in the human brain. Cortex, 58, 301–324.

[22] Loprinzi, P. D., Moore, D., & Loenneke, J. P. (2020). Does Aerobic and Resistance Exercise Influence Episodic Memory through Unique Mechanisms? Brain Sciences, 10(12), 913.

[23] Colcombe, S., & Kramer, A. F. (2003). Fitness Effects on the Cognitive Function of Older Adults: A Meta-Analytic Study. Psychological Science, 14(2), 125–130.

[24] Smith, P. J., Blumenthal, J. A., Hoffman, B. M., Cooper, H., Strauman, T. A., Welsh-Bohmer, K., Browndyke, J. N., & Sherwood, A. (2010). Aerobic Exercise and Neurocognitive Performance: A Meta-Analytic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials. Psychosomatic Medicine, 72(3), 239–252.

[25] Cho, H. C., Kim, J. K., Lee, N. J., Kim, S. Y., & Yoon, N. K. (2014). Effects of combined exercise on cardiovascular risk factors and serum BDNF level in mid-aged women. Journal of Exercise Nutrition and Biochemistry, 18(1), 61–67.

[26] Physical activity guidelines for adults aged 19 to 64 (2021). NHS.

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