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Mar 21, 2023

Olly Laser Focus review: 50 gummies = 1 brain feed capsule

Olly laser focus reviewed. Dive into the science behind Olly laser focus ingredients and side effects. Discover if Olly laser focus gummies work.
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Mar 17, 2023

How to wake up feeling refreshed: Tips to wake up easier.

Discover these top tips to wake up easier including how to wake up feeling refreshed. From the truth behind how much sleep we need to the link between sleep and mood.
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Mar 16, 2023

What happens to your brain when you sleep? A bedtime story of restful sleep and the brain

Why is sleep so important for brain health? Read about what happens to your brain when you sleep & benefits of getting enough sleep
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Mar 7, 2023

Are 5htp supplements for menopause a viable solution? Results from a preclinical study

Can 5HTP be the best natural treatment for menopause? More on serotonin and menopause and supplements for hot flashes
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Mar 7, 2023

How to keep your brain healthy in old age? 6 ways to protect the female brain

Age related brain changes in women's brains raise their dementia risk. Find how to keep your brain healthy & lower risk
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Mar 6, 2023

Experiencing period brain fog? Here’s 3 foods to eat on your period

Are you wondering why you’re feeling tired and foggy during your period? It’s called period brain fog. Read about what it is and how you can help feel more refreshed.
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Feb 23, 2023

Serotonin vs Dopamine: How to maximize both for superior mental wellbeing

What's the difference between serotonin and dopamine? Find how each impacts mood, sleep, personality & social behaviour.
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Feb 21, 2023

Alpha GPC benefits memory scores in over 400 people: A review 

A review on Alpha GPC, the building block of acetylcholine, your memory brain chemical reveals exciting results. Read more
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Jan 24, 2023

Modafinil vs Adderall: Are the best smart drugs too good to be true?

Natural, legal & safe study aids are better than Modafinil/Adderall. Read how drugs work & how 1 supplement trumps them
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Jan 10, 2023

How to get omega 3 brain benefits from vegan DHA sources

Your brain is 60% fat & vegans can miss out on brain fats like DHA. Find out the best vegan DHA source & why you need it
Mental benefits of weight training: Lift your way to a happier brain

Jan 6, 2023

Mental benefits of weight training: Lift your way to a happier brain

Weight lifting builds muscle strength & brain health. More on benefits of weight training for mood, anxiety & self-esteem
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Dec 14, 2022

Navigating Christmas anxiety: 4 ways 5-HTP helps you enjoy Christmas

Christmas stress hampers its festivities. Find the surprising ways in which one nutrient helps you navigate the holidays


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